Loene Furler

PO Box 3107 North Adelaide  5006

email: lloene.furler@gmail.com     

website: loenefurlerartworks.com


Academic Qualifications

Master of Visual Arts University of South Australia
A practicing artist for over 30 years. Previously a Lecturer at Adelaide College for the Arts (ACARTS). She also taught Drawing at SASA in 1971, night class. Loene was a Ministerial Adviser to the Minister for Arts 1989-1992 and CEO of the JamFactory Craft and Design Centre 1993-1996.
Loene was artist in residence at Bundanon NSW in 2010.
Loene has held many positions on boards and committees, including Deputy Chair of NAVA and Chair of various art committees in SA and was Ambassador for the Australian Experimental Art Foundation and is currently a member of the UNESCO Adelaide City of Music Advisory committee.
Loene has exhibited regularly since 1965 locally, nationally and internationally and has works in numerous collections including Art Gallery of South Australia, Janet Holmes a Court, Bundanon Collection, Faulding Collection and Tweddell Collection. In 2022 she was awarded the JamFactory Lifetime Honouree Award.

Selected solo exhibitions

2007       Recent paintings Harrison Galleries Paddington Sydney
2002       From the shed to the dining room and back Light Square Gallery
2000       Slippage Greenaway Art Gallery Adelaide
1997       The Tourist Greenaway Art Gallery Adelaide
1994       Baggage Greenaway Art Gallery Adelaide
1981       Macquarie Galleries Sydney NSW
1966       White Studios Adelaide


Group exhibitions

2025       Morley Gallery London United Kingdom
2022 &  
2023       Melbourne Street Open AirGallery for SALA
2019       Landmarks Signal Point Gallery Goolwa  SA
2018       Atlas Signal Point Gallery Goolwa SA
2017       From there to here South Australian School of Art Gallery UNISA Adelaide
2017        Hill Smith Gallery Adelaide SA
2017       FRAN exhibition Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide SA
2017       Purple and Green Worth Gallery Kent Town SA
2017       Curious Objects Signal Point Gallery Goolwa SA
2016       Fluerieu Food and Wine exhibition McLaren Vale SA
2015       Postcards elsewhere/home Malmo Sweden
2014       Macau- elsewhere and Elsewhere: Home Lingnan University of Hong Kong
2012       70th Anniversary Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia    
2010       Intangibles in Terra Australis- Kuba Kuxta S. Sabastian Spain
2009       Quid Nunc Light Square Gallery Adelaide SA
2007       Snapshot Australian Experimental Art Foundation SA
1992       Forensic Post West Gallery Adelaide SA
1988       Hill-Smith Gallery Adelaide SA
1982       Macquarie Galleries Sydney NSW
1981       Ten Australian Ceramic Artists, Powell Street Melbourne Victoria
1981       Lovely Motherhood Show EAF Adelaide
1980       Arts Council Gallery Canberra ACT
1978       Contemporary Art Centre SA
1977       Women’s Show Experimental Art Foundation SA



2014       Painting Marathon New York Studio School New York
2013       Drawing Marathon New York Studio School New York


Publications in which my work features

- Doing Feminism Women’s Art and Feminist Criticism in Australian Art Anne Marsh The Miegunyah Press Melbourne University Publishing Limited page 47, 49
- The Adelaide Art Scene-  Becoming Contemporary 1939-2000 Margot Osborne Wakefield Press page 396 p. 623
- From the shed to the dining room and back 2002 Jane Hylton catalogue for exhibition of same exhibition
- Chris Reid Eyeline 50, 2002/2003 p.53
- Mum Shirl Catalogue 2000 p. 24
- Wendy Walker The Advertiser August 8 2000 p.64
- The Advertiser Wendy Walker Yeah baby, Its 70s art p. 61 17th December 1999
- The Adelaide Review John Neylon September 1997 p. 24
- The Advertiser August 26 21997 Adam Dutkiewicz p. 35.
- The Advertiser 30th March 1994 Transition of love, Davis O’Halloran p. 30
- Suzanne Triester CACSA Broadsheet Forensic September  1992 p. 8
- Steffensen, J This is a Forensic Sentence 1992 p. 2

Membership of Professional Organisations

Experimental Art Foundation     
Contemporary Arts Centre
National Association for Visual Artists
Australia Performing Rights Association
Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Art Association of Australian and New Zealand
Australian Institute of Company Directors


Papers Presented or Published

Papers presented at UNISA for MVA

Paper given on Pitjanjatjara Art and Education at conference of International Council for Distance Education ICDE held in Oslo, Norway, August 1988

Co-author with Carol Scott: Negotiating a new Model for Aboriginal Teacher Education: ANTEP- a case study.

A chapter in Towards New Horizons for Women in Distant Education: International Perspectives, published by Routledge Imprint 1988

Policy documents for S.A government.

Course booklets on art for Distance Education

Art critiques for Artlink, 1987


Employment history


Part-time private teaching


BVAD Coordinator (ACART)
Lecturer Visual Arts (ACARTS)
Chair-Institute Consultative Committee (ACARTS)
Union representative and Delegate for Australian Education Union
Member Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Member Australian Experimental Art Foundation Adelaide South Australia
Member Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia
Member National Association for the Visual Arts


BVAAD Coordinator (ACARTS)
Lecturer Visual Arts (ACARTS)
Member Institute Consultative Committee (ACARTS)
Chair, Quality Assurance Group for Visual Arts (TAFESA)
Union Representative for ACARTS
Member Review Working Group for BVAAD
Member, Arts Industry Council of South Australia
Member, AGSA Foundation Council
Member Experimental Art Foundation, SA
Member Contemporary Art Centre, SA
Member National Association of Visual Arts (NAVA)
Member Viscopy



BVAAD Coordinator (ACARTS)
Lecturer Visual Arts (ACARTS)
Member, Institute Consultative Committee (ACARTS)
Chair, Quality Assurance Group (TAFESA)
Union Representative (ACARTS)
Member AGSA Foundation Council
Member Experimental Art Foundation
Member Contemporary Art Centre SA
Member National Association of Visual Arts (NAVA)
Member Viscopy
Attended Perth Institute of Art forum and PICA National Graduate exhibition


Lecturer Visual Arts (ACArts)
Visual Arts Degree Coordinator
Member AGSA Foundation Council
Participated in Xpress 06 Zero Waste SA + Collaborations


Lecturer, Visual Arts/ Visual Arts Coordinator (ACArts)
Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Member of Experimental Art Foundation
Member of Contemporary Art Centre SA


Lecturer, Visual Arts/Visual Arts Coordinator (ACArts)
Chair, Experimental Art Foundation
Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Attended John Glover Symposium AGSA


Lecturer, Visual Arts 0.4 (ACArts)
Visual Arts Coordinator 0.4
Release time for study (MVA) 0.2
Chair, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide
Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Member, Festival, Events and Commissions committee ARTSA
Attended symposium- College of Fine Arts, UNSW
Attended conference- AAANZ Ethics &Aesthetics, Art Gallery of NSW


Lecturer, Visual Arts 0.8 (ACArts)
Release time for study (MVA) 0.2
Chair, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide
Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Member, Festival, Events and Commissions committee ARTSA
Chair, Elastic Artist Week Committee for Adelaide Festival of Arts


Lecturer, Visual Arts 0.8 (ACArts)
Release time for study (MVA) 0.2
Deputy Chair, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide
Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council
Chair, Elastic Artist Week Committee

Attended conference Visual arts in the 21st century: from museum to cyberspace. Melbourne Victoria

Attended conference A fairer deal- the way forward for visual arts and crafts, Canberra ACT

Lecturer, Visual Arts (ACArts)
Deputy Chair, Experimental Art Foundation, Adelaide

Member, Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council

Lecturer, Visual Arts (North Adelaide School of Art)
Member, Contemporary Art Centre, S.A.

Lecturer, Visual Arts (North Adelaide School of Art)
Participated in New York Drawing Marathon (Adelaide Central School SA)

Attended AAANZ conference held in Adelaide S.A.


Lecturer, Visual Arts (North Adelaide School of Art)


Executive Chair, Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre, Adelaide
(later Director, Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre)

Member, Craft Australia board


Executive Chair, Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre, Adelaide
Member Craft Australia board


Lecturer Visual Arts (North Adelaide School of Art)
Chair, Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre until appointed Executive Chair Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre

1992 –1993  

Lecturer Visual Arts (North Adelaide School of Art)
Deputy Chair of Jam Factory Craft and Design Centre

1990 –1990

Ministerial Assistant to the Minister for the Arts & Cultural Heritage, Local
Government Relations and State Services
Deputy Chair, National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA)
Member of Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Council

1989 –1990

Ministerial Assistant to the Minister of Local Government, Arts and State Services
Member National Executive, National Association for the Visual Arts.

1989 – May- December

Ministerial Adviser to the Minister of Local Government and Minister for the Arts, the
Hon. Anne Levy
Member of National Association for the Visual Arts, National Executive (NAVA)
Chairperson, State Management of committee of NAVA
Chairperson of South Australian Visual Arts Committee (SAVAC)

1986 – 1989   

Lecturer, Visual Arts, North Adelaide School of Art